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CORAL – Coral Reef Airborne Laboratory / Earth Ventures Suborbital –2 (EVS-2)

The Hawaii operational readiness test (ORT) campaign was completed last week.  The campaign met or exceeded all success criteria, while under running the projected budget. 

 See for all quick-look data. All data is at JPL and ORT runs will be added to the Data Portal as they are processed.

CORAL – Coral Reef Airborne Laboratory / Earth Ventures Suborbital –2 (EVS-2)

Three runs of the two Kaneohe Bay, Oahu flight lines were completed.  Although the cloud cover was pretty bad for most of the line, the area where we had coincident in-situ measurements (optical concurrent, benthic and productivity within the past week), the clouds were largely absent.

Quick looks for all lines over Kaneohe Bay are now linked to the online flight logs at:


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