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AirMOSS - Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The P-band radar has successfully completed two observations over Tonzi Ranch, California and is now embarking on the Costa Rica deployment to observe tropical forest biome in La Selva.  In preparation for the open house to be held in Liberia, Costa Rica and organized by Costa Rica’s Centro Nacional de Alta Tecnologia (CeNAT), we have assembled a collection of outreach material including information on AirMOSS mission as well as relevant NASA spaceborne missions SMAP and GRACE.  We’ve updated the AirMOSS banner stand to highlight the objective of AirMOSS mission by measuring root zone soil moisture to improve the estimate of North America’s net ecosystem carbon exchange.  In addition to a technical seminar to be given by our Project Scientist, Dr. Mahta Moghaddam of University of Southern California, the entire deployment team will have the opportunity to interact with university and high school students.
